MG Templates
Custom and premade website templates
The Site License
This website template is licensed under tyhe following terms and conditions. Your use of the template indicates that you agree to be bound by it.
I. Creative Commons License
This template is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Please see
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ for details about this license.
II. Attributions
You agree to keep the following attributions on your web page or in the CSS file as may be applicable.
II A. Attribution for the template itself
You agree to keep the "Original template by MG Templates" and the relevant link to the site in your footer. The attribution can be waived by
purchasing a waiver. See below for more information.
II B. Attribution for the header image
If you use the header image on your site, even if you modify it, you must keep the attribution and the relevant link in the footer. This
attribution cannot be waived. See the atttribution link on the template for more information about how the header image may be used.
II C. Attribution for the background image
If you use the background image on your site you must keep the attribution in the CSS file. This attribution cannot be waived.
II D. Attribution for the fonts
If you use the fonts on your site you must keep the attribution and the relevant link in the footer. This attribution cannot be waived.
III. Additional licensing information
The following terms and conditions also apply.
III A. You may use this license for commercial websites without any further payment. Howeven if you wish to remove the attribution to MG Templates and the relevant link you must purchase a waiver.
III B. You may not redistribute this template in any manner.
III C. This template is to be used on the internet or an intranet only. Use of this template in any other manner is strictly prohibited.
II D. You are free to modify this template as you wish in accordance with the rest of the terms of this license.
III E. The link to the Creative Commons license does not need to appear on your site.
IV. Purchasing an attribution waiver
To purchase a waiver for the "Original template by MG Templates" attribution, or for more information on purchasing a waiver, please see the information below.
Purchasing An Attribution Waiver
You can purchase an attribution waver for $10. Please e-mail me at license@mgtemplates.com. At this time I only accept payments through PayPal. When you e-mail me please include your name, or company name if applicable, the template you want a waiver for, and the URL of the site you will be using the template on.
Please note that an attribution waver is valid for one website only. If you wish to use a single template on more than one site you will need to purchase a waiver for each site. Please contact me to purchase multiple waivers for a single template. Prior purchases entitle you to a bulk discount.